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Halim Shah - Fraudster Extraordinaire - Part 4

 The long-storied career of Halim Shannon Shah knows no bounds – take a look at his current target and teat: UMNO politicians. Knowing that his reputation was in tatters due to his previous escapades as Shannon, he quickly chose a new identity as Halim Shah, complete with doctorates and multiple Datukships to boot (all fake of course). A new identity means new paymasters and victims, namely aligning himself with fixtures in the Malay psyche, namely celebrities and politicians of the UMNO variety. He has been seen taking close pictures with key UMNO leaders and is rumored to be used as an agent by the party to attack members of the corporate world and bully them into submission. A gig that no doubt utilizes the multiple skills of a conman that Shannon has learned over his long career. Fair warning should be given to poor old Shannon – for as long as he continues to scam individuals for money, no amount of political cover can protect him from his past of cheating, money laundering, b

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